{% INCLUDE 'overall_header.html' %} {% EVENT viewtopic_topic_title_before %}

{% EVENT viewtopic_topic_title_prepend %}{{ TOPIC_TITLE }}{% EVENT viewtopic_topic_title_append %}

{% EVENT viewtopic_topic_title_after %} {% if FORUM_DESC %}
{% endif %} {% if MODERATORS %}

{% if S_SINGLE_MODERATOR %}{{ lang('MODERATOR') }}{% else %}{{ lang('MODERATORS') }}{% endif %}{{ lang('COLON') }} {{ MODERATORS }}

{% endif %} {% if S_FORUM_RULES %}
{% if U_FORUM_RULES %} {{ lang('FORUM_RULES') }} {% else %} {{ lang('FORUM_RULES') }}
{{ FORUM_RULES }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_buttons_top_before %} {% if not S_IS_BOT and S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO %} {% if S_IS_LOCKED %} {{ lang('BUTTON_TOPIC_LOCKED') }} {% else %} {{ lang('BUTTON_POST_REPLY') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_buttons_top_after %} {% INCLUDE 'viewtopic_topic_tools.html' %} {% EVENT viewtopic_dropdown_top_custom %} {% if S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX %} {% endif %} {% if loops.pagination|length or TOTAL_POSTS %} {% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_pagination_top_after %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_poll_before %} {% if S_HAS_POLL %}

{% EVENT viewtopic_body_poll_question_prepend %}{{ POLL_QUESTION }}{% EVENT viewtopic_body_poll_question_append %}

{{ lang('POLL_LENGTH') }}{% if S_CAN_VOTE and L_POLL_LENGTH %}
{% endif %}{% if S_CAN_VOTE %}{{ lang('MAX_VOTES') }}{% endif %}

{% for poll_option in loops.poll_option %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_poll_option_before %}
{% if S_CAN_VOTE %}{% else %}{{ poll_option.POLL_OPTION_CAPTION }}{% endif %}
{% if S_CAN_VOTE %}
{% if S_IS_MULTI_CHOICE %}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ poll_option.POLL_OPTION_RESULT }}
{% if poll_option.POLL_OPTION_RESULT == 0 %}{{ lang('NO_VOTES') }}{% else %}{{ poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PERCENT }}{% endif %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_poll_option_after %} {% endfor %}
{{ lang('TOTAL_VOTES') }}{{ lang('COLON') }} {{ TOTAL_VOTES }}
{% if S_CAN_VOTE %}
{% endif %} {% if not S_DISPLAY_RESULTS %}
{{ lang('VIEW_RESULTS') }}
{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_poll_after %} {% for postrow in loops.postrow %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_postrow_post_before %} {% if postrow.S_FIRST_UNREAD %} {% endif %}
{% if postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_POST_HIDDEN %}{{ lang('ONLINE') }}{% endif %}
{% if postrow.S_POST_HIDDEN %} {% if postrow.S_POST_DELETED %}
{{ lang('POST_DISPLAY') }}
{% elseif postrow.S_IGNORE_POST %}
{{ postrow.L_IGNORE_POST }}
{{ lang('POST_DISPLAY') }}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_postrow_back2top_before %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_postrow_back2top_prepend %} {{ lang('BACK_TO_TOP') }} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_postrow_back2top_append %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_postrow_back2top_after %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_postrow_post_after %} {% endfor %} {% if S_QUICK_REPLY %} {% INCLUDE 'quickreply_editor.html' %} {% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_topic_actions_before %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_buttons_bottom_before %} {% if not S_IS_BOT and S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO %} {% if S_IS_LOCKED %} {{ lang('BUTTON_TOPIC_LOCKED') }} {% else %} {{ lang('BUTTON_POST_REPLY') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_buttons_bottom_after %} {% INCLUDE 'viewtopic_topic_tools.html' %} {% if (S_NUM_POSTS > 1 or loops.pagination|length) and not S_IS_BOT %}
{% INCLUDE 'display_options.html' %}
{% endif %} {% if loops.quickmod|length %} {% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_dropdown_bottom_custom %} {% if loops.pagination|length or TOTAL_POSTS %} {% endif %}
{% EVENT viewtopic_body_footer_before %} {% INCLUDE 'jumpbox.html' %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_online_list_before %} {% if S_DISPLAY_ONLINE_LIST and U_VIEWONLINE %}

{{ lang('WHO_IS_ONLINE') }}


{% endif %} {% EVENT viewtopic_body_online_list_after %} {% INCLUDE 'overall_footer.html' %}