Variables below change style behavior. List of variables and values (do not edit!): Forums list layout: $STANDARD_FORUMS_LAYOUT = 0 -> Layout with topics and posts below forum title $STANDARD_FORUMS_LAYOUT = 1 -> Default layout with separate columns for topics and posts Hide forum description: $HIDE_FORUM_DESCRIPTION = 0 -> Always show it $HIDE_FORUM_DESCRIPTION = 1 -> Show it only when hovering forum title Wrap header / navigation: $WRAP_HEADER = 0 -> Header and navigation will not be included in global wrapper $WRAP_HEADER = 1 -> Both header and navigation will be included in global wrapper $WRAP_HEADER = 2 -> Header will not be included in global wrapper, navigation will be included Wrap footer: $WRAP_FOOTER = 0 -> Footer will be outside of content wrapper $WRAP_FOOTER = 1 -> Footer will be inside content wrapper Quick search position: $SEARCH_IN_NAVBAR = 0 -> Search bar will be displayed in header $SEARCH_IN_NAVBAR = 1 -> Search bar will be displayed in secondary navigation Edit variables below: Do not edit code below!